Sunday, December 18, 2005

Feeling chatty today, apparently...

Inspired by my friend Stephanie's blog (I'll put the link here as soon as I can figure out how or get Stephanie to do it for me) and her results in one particular questionnaire here's results from my "which gender are you: male, female, androgyn or neutral"

(not surprising)

Sinussa on melko paljon sekä feminiinistä naista että maskuliinista miestä. Olet sukupuolisesti hyvin harmoninen. Mieheytesi ja naiseutesi ovat tasapainossa keskenään, eikä kumpikaan puolesi hallitse persoonaasi toisen kustannuksella.
(I have both feminine and masculine qualities.)

Olet sukupuolishoppailija!
(I'm a gendershopper!)

Tiedostat sukupuolijärjestelmän olemassaolon, sukupuoliroolit ja odotukset kriittisestikin. Et juurikaan välitä näihin odotuksiin vastaamisesta, vaan käyttäydyt melko sukupuolivapaasti. .
(I recognise the gender roles in society and the demands and expectations for men and women but I really don't care a fuck and act quite freely from them.)

Olet sukupuolen suhteen melko itsevarma. Sinusta on luontevaa toteuttaa itseäsi sekä miehisten että naisellisten puoliesi kautta. Tulet hyvin toimeen miesten, naisten ja sukupuolineutraalienkin kanssa, koska et itsekään ole niin kaukana näistä muista sukupuoliryhmistä.
(I get along with men and women and all in between because I fit in in them all.)

Cool. I can see myself in that.

Also, I am:
You are Lisa Simpson.

That I can't see but it would be great to know how to play the sax!

My results for "how weird are you":
For 80 % you are: You're Not Weird At All! Take this as a compliment... and run for your life, it takes a lot to get this outcome... imagine how many people around you right now DIDN'T get this answer.

You could also get this result:For 10 % you are: Pretty Messed Up! My god... I can't even look at you...knowing what you put as answers *shudders*

Or even this one:For 10 % you are: Weirder Than Weird! Wow, you are mildly creepy and totally insane! Good for you! But lay off the RedBull.

Weeeel... I got a tiny severed doll's head in a bucket of blood for a birthdaygift and was thrilled... So mildly creepy, yes.

And back to the theme I was on when I started this post, what should my name really be? (I took the boys test, feeling masculine today)

For 60 % you are: Your name is: Josh. You are cool and quite the lady's man. ooh-la-la. You are cute and everyone worships the ground to you. You are most loved, especially by the ladies.

You could also get this result:For 30 % you are: Your name is: Nobert. How can I put this nicely...YOU ARE A GEEK! You love computers. And talk weird and you think using big words is cool Get a life man!

Or even this one:For 10 % you are: Your name is: Alex. You are high energy and need medication badly! You like... mean LOVE monkeys! You are okay... when you've taking your pills. So you need to get a grip dude!

So good night , says Josh Norbert Alex.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good night Norbert...

Cool name...