Saturday, June 17, 2006

"sometimes it grows back"

the nurse said and that's all I have to say about it.

But it's strange how some things stay the same, no matter how much you change. Like the name of the next of kin to notify if something bad happens. There are certain names and numbers that stick in your head, no matter are they close to you anymore or not.

I was walking home from a bar tonight, a warm summernight, it was not dark and it was not bright, something strange in between. Suddenly I remembered something I haven't thought for a while, one of the best moments in my life. I remember this one time, I was with my friend in a bar and afterwards we decided we didn't want to go to sleep just yet, so we got a pizza and a bottle of scotch from her place and walked down by the sea. We sat and ate and drank and talked and all around us it was summer, it was warm and light and everything was peaceful. Maybe it's just because we were drunk... Maybe it was being happy, right then and there. Being with someone important, enjoying yourself, enjoying the freedom to just be.

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