Monday, July 07, 2008

Money money money...

It is amazing how much information there is in banking statements. I went through them yesterday, oldest dating back to around 1992. Apparently I’ve had lots of money back then because there were many payments made to me from different people. Either that, or I was a dealer and it just has conveniently slipped my mind. Oh and the amount of sexual innuendo! Well, not so much innuendo really… using the words “thanks for a good shag” in the message part is not very subtle… Maybe I should destroy them all, and not leave behind a stack of paper which makes me look quite suspicious. Especially if I turn out to grow up to some Mother Teresa kind of figure. Fortunately the likelihood of that happening is beyond miniscule, it’s downright negative.


Fusche said...

"You should rejoice in your virginity!"...LOL..:ROTFLMAO! Mother Hale! Too damned funny

spongefile said...

Thanks for a good shag? Were they tipping you, or paying you for expenses incurred...? ;P