Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Things that make you go "aww"

When, after months of repeat repeat repeat, Boy B finally said my name. WITH clearly understanding it is my name and what he is saying. Made the gf a bit jealous, after all, his sister said my name first too. Oh well…

When I met a long-time friend who I've kind of lost in the previous years and I saw a glimpse of the “old” her and noticed that the friendship we had is still there.

When I can’t wait for our wedding to be over so that we can start having a marriage.

When discussing the past with a friend I had an affair with sometime before the ice-age and before I started having a relationship with his friend he says “but I saw you first”.

When thinking about the lost entertainment value of my social life, I just feel happy.

1 comment:

Steph said...


