Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Remembering again


Kaikki kurkkuun kumotut määrät
eivät tuo kai sinua takaisin
ne puuduttaa tunteeni hetkeksi
ja saavat kai jaksamaan eteenpäin
Joo, sä tiedät kyllä ketä mä huijaan
jos sanoisin että: "kaikki on okei"
se kaikki on vain hetken huumaa,
joka korvaa hetkeksi menetyksen
Kuka korvaa poistetun sydämen?
Mikä korvaa, jos sä poistat mun sydämen?

Älä sano mulle, että se on korviketta
mä tiedän sen taas kun aamu valkenee
ja paljastaa kalpeat kasvot ja päässä,
pääsee helvetti valloilleen
Kuka korvaa poistetun sydämen?
Mikä korvaa, jos sä poistat mun sydämen?

The boy who wrote that song was a friend of a friend some ten years ago. One night I was waiting for the last bus late at night and he comes up to me with his friend and asks me to go to a bar with them. I'm tired and say no, so they leave. Ten minutes later he comes back, gives me a thick black pen (the kind you use to write your name on the walls and signposts and the back of the seats in a bus...) and says that if someone comes and tries to do something nasty to me I should poke them in the eye with the pen. And leaves again. I stand there, laughing, until the bus comes. I think that was a sweet thing to do. Weird and a bit twisted, but sweet.

That little story has nothing to do with the following:

Years later he wrote that song and it felt really familiar to me. The lyrics are simple and there's nothing much to them except... Something in them always hits home, even if the reason for my drinking days never was a broken heart. And besides, there's always a reason to hit the bottle, if the need is there.

Now I just feel like having an ice cold coke with crushed ice, no lemon. Hold the vodka.

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