Thursday, March 30, 2006


sometimes everything seems a bit unreal, a bit surrealistic. I go through the usual routines of my life, go to work, see some friends after that, or maybe go over to Seta for some thing or another, go see a movie, go have a beer. Sometimes it's like watching all this from outside, in my head I'm somewhere else. I'm watching myself having a life, not actually living it. Maybe it's a sign I should slow down so I could actually be in the moment.

And Tii, I am sooo bored at work.


Anonymous said...

but I love you :)...not in "THAT" way..but in the warm fuzzy mushy get a grip and a kleenex kind of way... What the hell am I saying?..must be the drugs the Dr. put me on :)

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, really? tök tök tök.

Anonymous said...

At least you go see your friends. As the sun has started coming out I feel like I'm waking up out of some long hibernation, some drugged-up coma in a cave against the winter because I can't take the cold this long and going outside into it drains what little energy I have left completely. Then again, I also have filled my life with too much work...what else can one do while one sits inside for six months? Let's figure out something weird and unexpected to do one of these days now that it's getting warmer, to remind us we're alive?