Monday, March 06, 2006

Weddings and so on

Friday one of the greatest friends I've ever had got married. I have no sisters but she is like that to me, someone I just wouldn't be able to cut off my life if I ever wanted to because you can't cut off family completely... And someone being family has nothing much to do with sharing genes or bloodline. Family is family.

Which brings me to the other thing that happened last weekend, my friend I've known almost fifteen years now had his firstborn son christened. Or being somewhat pagan they had a party where the name was revealed. Besides him his mother was the only person I had ever met before but I had a great time. Sometimes it's good to be somewhere else with people who don't know you. And it was great to see his mother, last time we saw was almost ten years ago.

All this didn't even make me sad like I expected. At the moment I am in that content phase, where I don't feel like I'm missing out on something by being alone. Next week or tomorrow things might be different. I don't care. Just now I am okay. That's good enough.


Anonymous said...

Kiva että on kivaa. No niin emäntä, hilaa se ahterisi tänne!!!

Anonymous said...

Tämä on kopioitu eräältä keskustelupalstalta. Vinkki iskurepliikiksi esim. kylmällä ilmalla:
"hey i bet your hands would be much warmer in my pants".
Kokeile ja kerro miten toimi!!