Wednesday, September 13, 2006

10 things I want to remember

1. The day he came home for the first time, his bewildered expression and looking like his skin was four times too big. Kurttu, we called him.

2. His innocent look when we found out that instead of just taking a nap under the sofa he was chewing it from the inside for his teething pains.

3. His floppy ears when he’s running down to the lakeside to go swim and to try to drink the lake away.

4. How amazingly brave he is, especially when he is securely being held in your arms, preferably inside, and barking to those beastly squirrels.

5. His love for sauna.

6. His love for food...

7. and for napping.

8. The way he goes to look for his puppy Lurppa whenever someone comes over, to show him off.

9. How he taught me to drive the car to the driveway very very quietly and to open the door without waking him up at four in the morning.

10. His joy when we open christmaspresents and he gets to open his own.

When it’s time it’s time. But not just yet, please?


mieletön said...

Toivon ettei.. Voimahali!

Anonymous said...

Big hugs for you and him.