Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I hear voices

I finally caved in and joined a bit more to the nerd generation and got myself an iPod (nano 4 GB, for those who care about the details). Luckily I got it cheaply from my brother (the real nerd who just got a new better one). So now I can listen to music and stuff when I go to work and so on.

There’s only two minor things…

Besides music there’s Denis Learys stand-up comedy on my playlist. So I look like a complete tosser while waiting for the bus, quietly and occasionally not so quietly, laughing out loud by myself.

And if I get hit by a truck because I didn’t hear it coming and die you can blame Bullet With Butterfly Wings for that.

"…And what do I get, for my pain?
Betrayed desires, and a piece of the game…
Now I'm naked, nothing but an animal
But can you fake it, for just one more show?
And what do you want?
I want to change
And what have you got, when you feel the same?"

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