Monday, January 02, 2006

Identity issues

People my face resembles the most are:

My feminine side:
Michelle Pfeiffer
Katherine Hepburn
Jodie Foster

My masculine side:
Fred Astaire
Eddie Murphy

And these from the same picture. Michelle and I had a 65% match, Fred and I 53% and the rest between 40-50%.

Eddie was a bit surprising but hey, maybe something in the eyes... Or teeth.

This is so hilarious, somehow I don't see myself as the Michelle type... But sure would love to dance like Fred, too bad the looks doesn't mean the talent also ;)

Go check out (thanks Stephanie for the tip!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

heh, olen aina tiennyt että olen hieman maskuliininen mutta Sylvester Stallone on ehkä hieman yliampuva..?