Monday, January 16, 2006

A promotion? No, thank you.

I was offered a "better" job (more responsibility, different department, more money) at my work on friday. I promised to think it through and let them know today. So today I went to the big boss and said thanks but no thanks. They must think I'm really strange. This was the third time I was offered a promotion and every time I've declined.

Why? When this job would have meant I could aply for a loan and buy my own apartment. But it would have made me miserable. I am not interested in our sales department, I'm not interested in keeping Nokia happy with endless statistics... So am I interested in accounting? Not really. But it's not something I strongly dislike.

I will not make decisions I know will make me unhappy. Or more unable to be atleast even content. Even if it means I have to still move other plans in life further away.

But it has been a good day.


Anonymous said...

"So, you don't want to hear about my good day..."
No ehkä se onkin parempi ettet ota mitään pitkäaikaisia sitoomuksia, kun meillä on näitä yhteistyökuviota ihan globaalilla tasollakin ;)

Anonymous said...

You so smaaaht!!!!